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Why choose "Saglam Aile" laboratory?

Our greatest asset is our team, whose professionalism, experience, and dedication ensure high-quality services. We are also proud to be a laboratory equipped with modern technologies, meeting international standards, and providing continuous service 365 days a year.

Do you conduct the XXXXX test? Should I come fasting for the test?

You can find detailed information about laboratory tests, which are the main activity of our clinic, in the "Tests" section of our website or by following the link. This section contains important details about the tests. Since the preparation requirements for each test are specific, you can learn more by navigating to the "Preparation" section within that page.

What diagnostic tests are available at your clinic?

Our clinic offers a range of lab tests and functional exams, including ECG, echocardiography, EEG, X-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy, and colonoscopy. More information is available in the “Examinations” section of our website.

When will test results be ready? Can I access them online?

The expected readiness of results is indicated on the "Results Receipt." If your registration is:

  • Before 11:00 am, results are available after 6:00 pm on the specified date.
  • Between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm, results are available at 2:00 pm on the specified date.
  • After 3:00 pm, results are available at 6:00 pm the next day as per the specified date.

Which tests determine pregnancy?

The most reliable way to confirm pregnancy is the blood test for β-human chorionic gonadotropin, detectable from the 4th day of pregnancy.

What is food intolerance?

Food intolerance refers to adverse reactions to certain foods, causing symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, IBS, skin rashes, and headaches, typically appearing hours after eating.

When can hepatitis infection be detected?

  • Hepatitis A: Incubation 28-40 days; symptoms appear 2-3 weeks after infection.
  • Hepatitis B: Incubation averages 75 days; testing is recommended at 1, 3, and 6 months post-exposure.
  • Hepatitis C: Incubation from 2 weeks to 6 months; testing is recommended at 3, 6, and 12 months post-exposure.
  • Hepatitis D: Incubation 21-45 days.
  • Hepatitis E: Incubation 10-60 days, typically 30-40 days.

How long can drugs be detected in the body?

Once a drug is ingested, it enters the bloodstream and begins to break down. Drug testing is based on identifying these breakdown products. The table below shows detection times for various drugs in blood, urine, hair, and nails.

Drug Name









3-12 hrs

up to 5 days

up to 3 days


12 hrs

14 days

up to 90 days


12 hrs

9 days

up to 6 months


37 hrs

9 days

up to 6 months


48 hrs

4 days

21 days


48 hrs

2 days

7 days

Salt-Containing Drugs

72-96 hrs

7 days

up to 60 days


2 hrs

5-8 days

up to 60 days

What is the "Discount Equal to Age" promotion?

Our main goal is to encourage patients to take care of their health by having preventive examinations during their birthday month. "Discount Equal to Age" is a special promotion where patients receive a discount on laboratory and outpatient services equivalent to their age

What are the benefits of the Saglam Aile medical card?

The medical card contains your health history and is valid only within Saglam Aile centers. It is personal and cannot be used by others. Cardholders receive one free annual clinical blood test or spermogram. In your birthday month, you are eligible for an age-equivalent percentage discount on services, and based on your annual spending, a 5-20% bonus is added to the card.

How can I request home service?

The "Home Service" includes lab tests, ECG, ultrasound, and consultations with a therapist or pediatrician.

  1. Register on the "Home Service" page of www.saglamaile.az, providing:
    • Patient's full name, birth date, ID series, email, and contact number.
    • List of desired examinations.
    • Preferred date and time for the visit.
  2. Once registered, a dispatcher will contact you to confirm details.
  3. Alternatively, you can register via our Call Center at (012) 910 or (012) 440-13-00.

What are the preparation requirements for a blood test?

Blood samples should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Before giving a blood sample, physical and emotional stress, physiotherapy procedures, medications (in this case, the decision to stop taking medications should be made by the treating physician), alcohol, and fatty foods are not allowed.

What are the requirements for women undergoing hormonal tests?

Blood samples for hormonal tests should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

For women, blood samples are typically collected on specific days of the menstrual cycle unless otherwise directed by the treating physician:

  • LH, FSH, and Estradiol hormones are usually tested on days 2-5 of the cycle (follicular phase).
  • Progesterone is best tested on days 19-24 of the cycle.
  • Prolactin samples should be collected at least 2 hours after waking up.

How is a general urinalysis conducted?

The first morning urine is collected for analysis. First, a small amount of urine is released into the toilet, then the middle portion is collected. About 50 ml of urine is sufficient. Before collecting the sample, genital hygiene should be observed.

How should a 24-hour urine sample be collected?

After the initial morning urination, the patient records the time and collects all urine excreted over the next 24 hours into a single sterile container. After mixing the collected urine, 50-100 ml is poured into a clean, dry container, noting the total volume and collection time, then the sample is delivered to the laboratory.

How should a sample be collected for a general coprological examination (stool analysis)?

The sample is taken from different parts of the stool using a dry spatula and placed in a clean, dry container, filling no more than one-third of the container. Samples in matchboxes and diapers are unsuitable for analysis. If the sample is collected in an inappropriate container, it is initially examined to assess suitability. If deemed suitable, the sample is transferred using a sterile dry spatula into the designated stool collection container. The sample should then be delivered to the clinic as soon as possible (within 1-2 hours).

What are the requirements for a sperm analysis?

For a sperm analysis, there should be no sexual activity for at least 3 days, with a maximum abstinence period of 7 days. During this time, alcohol and sauna visits should be avoided, and smoking is not recommended on the day of the test. If medications are being taken, the timing of the test should be determined in consultation with a doctor.

What are the preparation requirements for an ultrasound for women?

For an abdominal gynecological ultrasound, the bladder should be full. For a vaginal gynecological ultrasound, the bladder should first be full for a general abdominal examination, then emptied for the vaginal examination. Folliculometry is typically performed on the 10th, 12th, and 14th days of the menstrual cycle.

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