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The Laboratory of the "Saglam Aile" Medical Center

The laboratory of the "Saglam Aile" Medical Center has been operating since 2003. Certified and accredited by ISO 9001:2015, ISO 10002:2018, and ISO 15189:2013, our laboratory performs over 6,000 diverse laboratory tests. It is equipped with high-tech, high-quality equipment from leading manufacturers in Japan, the USA, Germany, and other countries.

The laboratory, visited by hundreds of patients daily, conducts tests according to special protocols. It is well-known that the accuracy of laboratory test results depends not only on the analytical stage but also on the pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical phases. To ensure accurate results, all three phases must be meticulously organized, and all factors that may influence the results must be anticipated and eliminated in advance.

One of the most critical and sensitive conditions of the pre-analytical stage involves the proper collection, storage, and transportation of biological material according to specific requirements before it reaches the analytical stage. Fully sterile vacuum systems, which do not come into contact with the external environment or staff, are used to collect samples. This method, safer for the patient, also ensures the collection of high-quality biological material. Using automatic barcode labeling, samples are marked with a unique code belonging to the patient, eliminating errors that may arise during sample identification.

The analytical phase begins after these steps. At this stage, considering numerous factors that can affect quality (equipment suitability, reagent quality, laboratory conditions, etc.), all processes are conducted in strict accordance with international standards, procedures, and instructions. In all three departments of our laboratory, tests are verified daily with control checks and, when necessary, multiple times a day.

Thanks to an integrated system, test results and analyses undergo several stages of verification and are entered into a computerized database. The initial results are checked by the laboratory doctor, the second stage is reviewed by the laboratory supervisor, and at the third stage, the quality manager monitors the path of each sample from collection to the final result. Only results that have been verified against all criteria are provided to the patient.

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