The primary focus of the Quality Control Department at Sağlam Ailə Medical Center is to ensure the provision of high-quality medical services to patients while improving the efficiency of staff performance. The quality policy of Sağlam Ailə is based on the ISO-9001:2015 and ISO 15189:2013 quality standards. In compliance with these standards, audits of all processes are conducted twice a year, and the results are documented.
It should be specifically noted that all examinations, analyses, and other procedures carried out at Sağlam Ailə Medical Center using the latest information technologies are continuously monitored through surveillance cameras under the system established by the Quality Control Department.
The department strictly oversees the equipment used. This supervision is conducted annually through relevant tests and inspections by both Sağlam Ailə Medical Center and the State Committee for Standardization and Metrology.
Suggestions and complaints received from patients are investigated by the Quality Control Department. Based on these inquiries, internal audits are organized, and action plans are developed to improve operations. Additionally, satisfaction surveys are conducted among individual patients and corporate clients. Based on the feedback provided in these surveys, proposal packages for acquiring new equipment, technologies, and reagents are prepared.
The department consistently focuses on expanding the range of laboratory tests and increasing the diversity of examinations to improve quality indicators. The main goal of these activities is to integrate innovations in the healthcare field into Azerbaijan's medical system.
Efforts to build trust among Sağlam Ailə Medical Center’s patients, staff, and the broader community, enhance employee qualifications, organize continuous training sessions, and improve overall well-being play a significant role in the activities of the Quality Control Department.
The quality of medical services provided and the seamless functioning of the entire system as a unified entity are among the key factors for success. In this context, the primary focus areas of the Quality Control Department include:
- Systematizing and optimizing the management functions of medical staff,
- Establishing mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers,
- Acquiring advanced technologies and medical equipment.
- Why Do Reference Values Vary Across Laboratories?
A reference value represents the accepted normal range for a test result. When results are ready, they are compared to these reference values to identify any deviations from the norm.
Different diagnostic laboratories utilize a wide variety of analyzers for processing tests. For example:
- There are numerous types of devices for conducting biochemical and immunochemical analyses,
- Reagents are produced by different manufacturers,
- Testing methodologies can also vary significantly between laboratories.
All these factors influence the variation in reference values. Therefore, each laboratory specifies its own reference range in the test report. These reference ranges are naturally based on internationally accepted standards but also take into account the unique characteristics of the laboratory's work, such as:
- The specifications of the equipment used,
- The methodology applied,
- The unit of measurement, and other factors.
As a result, the reference range for the same test may differ significantly across laboratories. There is no concept of a "universal reference range."
When evaluating laboratory test results, the treating physician must rely on the reference values specified by the laboratory in the test report. For accurate interpretation of results, monitoring the patient's condition, and conducting follow-up tests, it is advisable to perform the required analysis using the same method and in the same laboratory.
When evaluating laboratory test results, the treating physician must base their assessment on the reference values provided in the report by the specific laboratory. It is important to remember that for accurate interpretation of results, monitoring the patient's condition, and conducting follow-up tests, it is recommended to perform the desired analysis using the same method and within the same laboratory.
At Sağlam Ailə Medical Center, depending on the type of laboratory test, samples are archived for 1-3-6 months. If additional or repeated testing is required, archived samples can be utilized. For inquiries regarding the suitability of a sample for further testing, please contact 012-910 for clarification.
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